~FACE MASK~我的心机面膜升级版 - (NEW)

~My Scheming Beauty Face Mask~
-Upgraded Version-

-Imported From Taiwan-
100% Genuine

1 pcs @ RM 3.80
3 pcs @ RM 10

頂級玻尿酸保濕面膜 Sodium Hyaluronate

含高度玻尿酸成分及膠原蛋白成分等,膠原蛋白是人體肌膚的主要成份約佔人體蛋白的 25%--35%,肌膚中所含膠原蛋白愈高,肌膚愈豐盈柔嫩!人體25歲以後,膠原蛋白就容易流失,肌膚開始老化,逐漸呈現膚色黯淡、鬆弛老化加上玻尿酸 後,更是擁有極佳的保濕滋潤力,讓肌膚更為光滑柔嫩及保濕,內含多種植物精華,能適度補充肌膚所需營養,改善粗糙、缺水、龜裂等現象!使用上卻清爽不油 膩,容易吸收,讓保養後的肌膚更加柔嫩細緻,猶如絲絨般的感覺!

With a high degree of hyaluronic acid composition and ingredients such as collagen,collagen protein in human skin are the main components of the human bodyprotein accounted for about 25% - 35%,skin collagen help to glow of more softening skin.After 25 years old, the collagen protein is easy to loss and skin aging begin gradually showing color bleak.After adding with hyaluronic acid, it is excellent moisturizing nourishing power,so that the skin is more smooth and soft and moisturizing,with containing a variety of plant extracts can moderate the skin's needs nutrition,to improve the rough, dry, cracking skin conditions.

深海魚子鑽石級精華面膜 Caviar Extract


Contains ingredients that maintains healthy skin, helps to restore the losses of tissue in your skin, lets the skin develope in a better way you ever had. letting your skin more baby-ish and silky smooth.

薄荷膠原蛋白面膜 Collagen+Menthol Extract Mask


Contains plant extracted mint essence that gives off a cool sensation upon usage. Refreshes us with it’s cool mint smell as well as containing high concentration of collagen, providing high hydrating essence, preventing dryness.

特浓红酒多酚面膜 Red Wine Mask

從紅酒中萃取出天然的保養品紅酒多酚,具有強大的抗氧化能力及鈣、鎂、鉀、鐵,都可讓肌 膚白皙光澤、氣色紅潤,多酚化合物超過50種,是目前所發現抗氧化物種類多、抗氧化範圍廣的物質。對抗活性氧的侵犯,維持皮膚構造的完整,抗肌膚老化都有 很好的效果。能讓肌膚亮白,可延緩肌膚老化的過程,並添加金縷梅萃取液含金縷梅單寧具有柔軟肌膚的作用。連續使用就可以感受到肌膚變得更淨白細緻、水嫩動 人!

Red wine polyphenols are extracted from red wine,with a high degree of antioxidant capacity of red wine polyphenols can restore skin brightening,fair gloss.As a result, red wine polyphenols used in skin care products and facial mask for beauty,the red wine contains of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron,can often allow you protection of healthy skin complexion.

Q10膠原蛋白緊膚面膜 Q10 Collagen Mask

以日本嚴選精緻萃取的膠原蛋白精華原液,Q10為主要配方,Q10可抗氧化。膠原蛋白可 以促進肌膚彈力提升,搭配海藻精華液加倍嫩膚保濕能力,肌膚光滑亮麗,讓你維持年輕與活力,保有健康美麗!Q10輔酵素有很好的抗氧化功能,存在於菠菜、 花椰菜、堅果、肉和魚類中,隨著年紀的增加, Q10分泌逐漸減少、角質代謝慢,再加上工作壓力、環境、生活作息不正常等因素,肌膚會開始變得暗沉乾澀,甚至發現細紋極度缺水,甚至容易產生油水不勻… 等問題,這時Q10面膜就是一個值得推薦的修護性用品對愛美的女性來說,缺乏Q10就是完美膚質的致命殺手。

Exquisite selection of collagen extracted essence from Japan,Q10 as the main formula, collagen protein can promote skin elasticity, ingredient with seaweed extract to promote double action the skin moisturizing ability,so that you can maintain youth and vitality skin.Coenzyme Q10 has a very good anti-oxidation function, exist in spinach, broccoli, nuts, meat and fish, with increasing age, Q10 secretion decreased, keratinocyte slow metabolism, coupled with job stress, the environment, life does not rest normal and other factors, the skin will begin dry, uneven skin tone, and fine lines. Q10 Mask is a worthy recommend maintenance of supplies of female beauty, skin fatal killer for lack of Q10. Q10 may be antioxidant.

左旋C淨白面膜 L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask


The promotion of skin metabolism and restore skin radiance and help to restore luster skin,reduce fine lines, so that the skin show shiny,effective against free radicals to prevent skin aging, skin firming role,remove darkening skin.Make your skin whitening, translucent, moisture crystal clear skin,through the biochemical role of white restore,improve the skin's self-defense capability,so that glow of younger skin, brightening and whitening.

埔里酒粕純米吟釀 Sake Koji Extract+Pure Grain Mask

天然的酒粕活酵母含豐富的胺基酸、維生素、礦物質,能加速肌膚淨白、保濕,使肌膚水嫩與 光澤。酒粕含有豐富的酵母菌,蛋白質,胺基酸,以及維生素等成分,是肌膚清透白皙並能促進肌膚的新陳代謝,改善肌膚方面等問題,可使肌膚更光滑細緻。具有 潤白、保濕保水性、供給養分、潔淨肌膚,幫助肌膚營養補給增加保水性 促使肌膚 更顯亮麗彈性,可以長效保持肌膚滑嫩亮麗和彈力 。使用後可以感受到肌膚變的更淨白細緻、水嫩動人。

Natural wine of live yeast is rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals,can accelerate skin whitening, moisturizing and leaves skin with shiny moisture. Rich in wine yeasts, proteins, amino acids,as well as vitamins and other ingredients, promote skin metabolism, improve skin related issues,will enable a more smooth and delicate skin

櫻花嫩白光采面膜 Sakura Lighting Mask

櫻花嫩白光采面膜,不只有淡淡的櫻花味,更精萃西印度櫻桃,讓西印度櫻桃裡天然的維他命C深入調理毛孔,滋養肌膚改善暗 沉,讓肌膚維持不緊繃的清爽狀態,還給肌膚明皙光采,再加上玻尿酸與多種植物精萃,其金盞花獨特效果,從古以來即可修護、舒緩肌膚,溫和的平衡油脂分泌, 同時給你健康好氣色。

Lighting Mask with Vitamin C in West Indian Cherry oenetratesand purifies pores for brisk and white skin.Hyaluronan and other plant extracts are available in this for mask too.The unique effect of Marigold is great in repairing and soothing skin.The gentle and balance sebum secretion gives you a healthy complexion.

普羅旺斯薰衣草舒緩面膜 Provence Lavender soothing Mask

薰衣草萃取液能平衡皮脂分泌, 其香味可穩定心情, 使人較為放松!是針對敏感型肌膚專用, 可舒緩皮膚的緊繃及刺痛感,更添加洋甘菊萃取液和玻尿酸可增進皮膚彈性, 透出水嫩光采。

Lavener extract balances sebum secretion, calms and relaxes mind. It is specially formulated for sensitive skin to soothe the tightly and tingly feels. With chamomile extracts and hyaluronan added,improves skin elasticity and give a smooth and radiant skin.

日本山茶花保濕面膜 Camellia Hydrating Mask

天然山茶花萃取液可增加肌膚保濕及平撫作用, 同時具有修復功效, 玻尿酸, 瑣水磁石保濕因子, 荷荷巴滋潤油能使肌膚的保水能力變好,提升肌膚保濕效果,全面緊實臉龐, 透出水嫩光采

The natural camellia extract increase the moisturising and soothing function, also repair skin. Hyaluronan, saccharide isomerate miosturising factor and jojoba oil improve skin and prevent moisture loss. This mask improves hydrating effect and revitalise skin for smooth and radiant effects.

保加利亚玫瑰嫩白面膜 Bulgarian Rose Whitening Mask

玫瑰萃取液可深層滋潤肌膚, 可改善肌膚暗沉不均勻現象、提升肌膚明亮度。玻尿酸可幫助肌膚補充水分,使用後可在肌膚上形成保護膜預防水分蒸發,使肌膚回復正常之張力讓肌膚更細緻柔嫩。

Rose extract deeply moistures skin and improves uneven skin tone.Hyaluronate in this mask helps skin to replenish moisture and forming a protective layer preventing moisture loss.

S & H Face Mask And Eye Mask~香港百分百面膜和眼膜 - (NEW)

~S & H MASK-Hong Kong~

~Hong Kong Artist-Tavia Yeung As Product Ambassador~

Collagen 100% - Crystal Bionic Eye Mask~
1 pc @ RM 4

Collagen Eye Mask can promote the blood circulation and metabolism of skin round the eye, prevents the loss of skin collagen.
It is clinically proven to be effective in smoothing out wrinkles and diminishing dark under eye circles and eye bags.
Silk Complex, Mulberry Extract, Citrus Fruit Extracts, Circulatory Bio-factor, Restructuring Factor, Penederm-R.

*Instant and long lasting whitening.
*Reduces sagging and swollen eyelids.
*Improves dry lines and crow's feet.
*Prevents and fights chronic eye bags.
*Lightens skin tone in eye area

Pearl Silky 100% - Pearl Beautifying & Smoothing Facial Mask~
1 pc @ RM 5

The world’s latest skin rejuvenation technology is used to deliver ultra-fine nanometer efficient pearl beautifying and smoothing factors into the basal skin layer to activate elastic fibers and inter-cellular substances comprehensively, prevent the discoloration of dermal proteins, mitigate melanin and inhibit the formation of spots, enhance the skin luster and elasticity, leave the skin firm and tight, remove existing fine lines and unevenness, inhibit the generation of new lines, make the skin fine and smooth like silk, and glossy, smooth and white like pearl.

Collagen 100% - Smoothening Facial Mask~
1 pc @ RM 5

Contain moisturizing essence and ultra-fine nutritive compound, absorb quickly into skin to supply nutrients, enable skin to absorb nutrients more easily and deeply, also help skin retain moisture and supply moisture to skin continuously and durably, leave skin smooth and moist.

骨膠原 集中美白面膜~
Collagen 100% - Intensive Whitening Facial Mask~
1 pc @ RM 5

Each piece contains 28ml efficient whitening essence,vitamin C&E,pearl digest,collagen,wheat protein and other compound nutrients,so that skin will enjoy all-around whitening effect and oxidation resistance, be protected from solar radiation and air pollution.
It can effectively resist the transfer of pigments to epithelial cells,mildly lighten spots and wrinkles, eliminate dull skin tone,supply whitening nutrients and moisture,give skin deep whitening care and leave skin finer and fairer.

Silky-milk 100% - Refreshing & Whitening Facial Mask~
1 pc @ RM 5

Each mask contains 25ml concentrated natural milk essence, vitamin C, amino acid and arbutin, the product can powerfully whitening the skin within 20 minutes, and the skin appears attractive after application.

*Contains arbutin essence which boasts of excellent whitening effect, the product can make the skin to appear transparent, bright and white.
*Vitamin C whitening factor can focus on decomposing brown spots and melanin, constantly improve the sallow tone and enable the skin to appear bright, attractive and white.

Silky-milk 100% - Refreshing & Moisturizing Facial Mask~
1 pc @ RM 5

Each mask contains 25ml concentrated natural milk essence, vitamin A, HA and powerful moisturizing factor, the skin can instantly enjoy the nourishment from natural milk within 20 minutes, and appears soft and silky after application.

*Instantly moisturize the skin as a result of season conversion and dry environment, assist to firm wrinkles and shrink pores, delay aging.
*Reconstruct the water sebum membrane of the skin, brighten and balance the skin, enable the skin to appear soft and tender.

Silky-milk 100% - Activating Facial Mask~
1 pc @ RM 5

Each mask contains 25ML concentrated natural milk essence, vitamin E, allantoin and sterilizing factor, the product can reconstruct the skin and enable the skin to appear soft and silky after application within 20 minutes.

*Completely remove deposited toxin, accelerate the peeling of acne, and tender the rough skin quality.
*Restrain the production of bacteria, improve thel anti-aging ability of the skin, protect the skin from damages from external environment.
*Activate the rejuvenation of healthy cells, diminishl inflammation and remove acne, enable the skin to appear refreshing, healthy and bright.

Dainty Design Mask~丹堤面膜 - (NEW)

~Dainty Design Face Mask~
-Imported From Taiwan-
100% Genuine

Lycopen Mask(Tomato)

1) gives supple, silky smooth and radiant skin
2) exfoliates dead skin cells
3) whitening and re-hydration of skin

Coffee Mask

1)Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Aging
2)Whitening, Firming
3)Moisturizing, Cell Repairing

Aloe Mask

1) Moisturizing, soothing and balance sebaceou secretion.
2) cooling ad calming effect on the skin.
3) use after waxing, sun exposure or when skin shows signs of irritation.

Lotus Mask

1) moisturizing, elastic, soothing and improving fine lines.
2) close up open pores.
3) whitens and re-hydrate your skin

Rose Mask

1.Rejuvenate cells, refresh dull and tired looking skin
2.Giving your skin a supple and radiant look
3.To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
4.Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity
Suitable for all skin types especially sensitive skin.

Lavender mask

1.Stabilize skin’s pH and prevents skin sensitivity
2.To calm and relief stress. Helps to improve sleeping disorder
3.Controls and balances skin oiliness
4.To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
5.To repair sun burn skin

All-in-one Collagen mask

1.To whiten and re-hydrate your skin
2.Prevent wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity
3.To repair and re-conceal wounds and sunken scars
4.To facilitates the recovery of skin metabolism
5.Modulate and stabilizes skin pH

1 pcs @ RM 3